Abnormal Pap Smears
Our physicians and staff know that receiving information that your Pap smear came back abnormal can be very frightening.
Most of the time, an abnormal Pap smear indicates a minor problem with the cervix that may or may not need treatment. An abnormal Pap smear does not mean you have cancer. Though a Pap smear is a cervical cancer screening, it will detect early abnormal changes in the cells of the cervix long before cancer develops.
Some abnormal Pap tests require further testing called a Colposcopy. This is done with a colposcope, which provides an enlarged view of the abnormal area allowing the provider to take directed biopsies for further pathological examination. The results from these biopsies are useful in determining the best way to manage abnormal Pap smears.
If you would like to discuss your abnormal Pap test, we invite you to make an appointment with your EWHC provider.